2024 General Assembly Exhibitors
Are you looking for ministry resources and partners? Please see the list below for organizations that exhibited at the 2024 PCA General Assembly.
This list is in alphabetical order and our sponsors are highlighted according to their sponsorship level: Gold, Silver, or Bronze.
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Organization | Description | Website/Contact Information |
18.26 Network, The | Assists believers to work, to serve and to live in global cities as Kingdom minded workers and to partner with the local missions | https://www.1826network.com/ |
A Cup of Water, International | Spreads the Gospel through the provision of clean water (wells, hygiene, etc.) | https://a-cup-of-water-international.servicereef.com/ |
African Bible Colleges | College. A non-profit organization empowering changemakers through quality Christian education in Liberia, Malawi, and Uganda. | https://africanbiblecolleges.com/ |
Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals | The Alliance is a coalition of believers who hold to the historic creeds and confessions of the Reformed faith and proclaim biblical doctrine | https://www.alliancenet.org/ |
Anago Partners, Inc. | Church Coaching, Church Health, Consultant. Designed to bring flourishing at every level of the Church. | https://anagopartners.org/ |
Association of Certified Biblical Counselors | ACBC provides leaders with resources, training, and certification that promote excellence in biblical counseling. | https://biblicalcounseling.com/ |
Auxilio Partners | Business solutions for churches and non-profits. Offload the demands of your essential business functions and multiply your ministry. | https://auxilio.partners/ |
Banner of Truth | A non-profit Christian ministry, known for publishing Reformed & Puritan books. | https://banneroftruth.org/us/ |
Belhaven University | A private evangelical Christian university in Jackson, Mississippi. | https://www.belhaven.edu/ |
Birmingham Theological Seminary | BTS is committed to making quality, reformed theological education affordable and flexible to learners everywhere. | https://bts.education/ |
Bridg Consulting | A Christian firm that partners with churches, pastors, and ministry leaders to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be. | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-d-lee/ |
Brotherhood Mutual | Brotherhood Mutual provides innovative insurance coverage and risk management resources specifically designed for ministries. | https://www.brotherhoodmutual.com/ |
Calvin’s Chair | Woodshop that produces a replica of Calvin’s Chair from 1536. | https://www.calvinschair.com/ |
Camp Westminster | Promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ to youth and adults by providing an exceptional summer camp and retreat experience | https://www.campwestminster.org/ |
CHAIM – Reformed Ministry to Jews | A Reformed Ministry to Jewish people. Covenantal in theology, recognized by the Presbyterian Church in America. Based on the Westminster Standards. Planting Rock of Israel PCA. | https://chaim.org/ |
Children of Abraham | COA was founded in 1977 to communicate the saving message of Christ to a largely un-evangelized Arabic community. | http://www.coabraham.org/ |
Christ Gospel Ministries | Ministry for leaders in India. | https://www.christgospelministries.org/ |
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation | Provides biblical counseling training and resources to restore Christ to counseling and counseling to the church. | https://www.ccef.org/ |
Christian Focus Publications | A conservative, evangelical publishing house in the United Kingdom. | https://www.christianfocus.com/ |
Christian Healthcare Ministries | A health cost sharing ministry offering affordable, faith-based healthcare solutions. | https://www.chministries.org/ |
Christianity Explored | Curriculum and resources to share the Good News of Christ | https://www.christianityexplored.us/ |
Clearly Reformed | Resources from the ministry of Kevin DeYoung. | https://clearlyreformed.org/ |
Compelled Podcast | Podcast that brings Christian testimonies to life as podcast episodes. | https://compelledpodcast.com/ |
Consummation Ministries | To promote the understanding of the consummation of all things in Christ through written materials, speaking, preaching, recordings, and the use of various media. | https://consummationministries.com/index.php/en/ |
Covenant College | A Christian liberal arts college located on Lookout Mountain, Georgia. Official college of the PCA. | https://www.covenant.edu/ |
Covenant Theological Seminary | CTS equips pastors, counselors and ministry leaders for a lifetime of faithful ministry. Official seminary of the PCA | https://www.covenantseminary.edu/ |
Crossway | A not-for-profit Christian ministry that publishes the ESV Bible and gospel-centered books. | https://www.crossway.org/ |
Dordt University | A Christian college located in Sioux Center, Iowa. | https://www.dordt.edu/ |
Edgewood Ministries | Committed to building up the African church and equip it to bless the nations and it’s people. | https://edgewoodministries.com/ |
Edinburgh Theological Seminary | ETS provides training and preparation by which men and women can bring the historic Gospel of Jesus Christ to Scotland, the UK and the wider world. | https://ets.ac.uk/ |
Educational Opportunities Tours, Inc. | EO Tours is a Chrisitan travel agency offering touring experiences on land, sea, and rivers. | https://www.eo.travelwithus.com/#eotours |
Engaging Disability With The Gospel / Simply the Gospel | Provides coaching for churches to disciple and enfold kids, teens, and adults with disabilities. | www.engagingdisability.org |
Equipping Farmers International | Engaging communities in agricultural discipleship for food security and improved livelihoods. | https://equippingfarmersinternational.org/ |
Equipping Leaders International | (ELI) gives Christian leaders the resources they need to fulfill the great commission. | https://equippingleadersinternational.org/ |
Erskine Theological Seminary | Erskine Theological Seminary prepares men and women to fulfill the Great Commission through theological higher education that is ecclesial, missional, and confessional . ETS is located in Due West, SC. | http://seminary.erskine.edu/ |
Eye Doc in a Box | Empowering individuals with skills to provide quality eye care in challenging environments. | https://eyedocinabox.com/ |
Ezra Worship Initiative | Worship leader training for College Students | https://www.ezraworship.com/ |
Faith Theological Seminary | Faith Theological Seminary provides a Bible-based education in Catonsville, Maryland. | ftscatonsville.org |
Faithful Presence | Equipping servants and leaders in Washington DC to flourish as they participate in Christ’s mission | https://faithful-presence.org/ |
Five More Talents | Provides excellent websites for faithful stewards. | https://fivemoretalents.com/ |
Focus Group, The | Provides fundraising counsel to nonprofits in the areas of major donor development, strategic planning, and capital campaigns. | https://thefocusgroup.com/ |
Forging Bonds of Brotherhood | We help churches build effective, sustainable, disciple-making ministries for men. | https://www.forgingbonds.org/ |
Free Church of Scotland – The 30×30 Project | Free Church of Scotland’s vision for 30 new churches by 2030. | https://mtw.org/opportunity-details/uk1120-generation-scotland |
Friends of Chinese Reformed Theological Seminaries | Committed to meeting the need of the Chinese churches for Reformed theological education. | https://friendsofcrts.org/ |
Geneva Benefits Group | Supports the financial, physical, and emotional wellbeing of pastors, ministry workers, and their families. Agency of the PCA. | https://genevabenefits.org/ |
Geneva College | A private Christian college in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. | https://www.geneva.edu/ |
Gideons International, The | Provides Bibles and New Testaments in strategic locations so they are available to those who want them, as well as to those who may not know they need them. | www.gideons.org |
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary | A multi-denominational, evangelical seminary representing over 85 denominations from 50 countries on four campuses. | https://www.gordonconwell.edu/ |
Gospel Reformation Network | Reformed Ministry Organization | https://gospelreformation.net/ |
Grace Network | Church Planting in Canada | https://www.gracenetwork.ca/ |
Great Commission Publications | GCP publishes a graded, biblically-faithful Sunday school curriculum, adult Bible studies, Trinity Hymnal (both original and revised), and other products. | https://www.gcp.org/ |
Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary | A confessional Presbyterian seminary in Greenville, South Carolina that equips preachers, pastors, and churchmen for Christ’s Kingdom. | https://gpts.edu/ |
Grimké Seminary | Grimké trains pastors and planters in the church, by the church, and for the church. We provide academically rigorous theological training. Located in Richmond, VA. | https://grimkeseminary.org/ |
Grove City College | A Christian liberal arts college located in Grove City, Pennsylvania. | https://www.gcc.edu/ |
Harvest USA | Equips Christians to bring the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to transform the lives of those affected by sexual sin. | https://harvestusa.org/ |
Incipio Consulting | Church building consultants | https://incipioconsulting.com/ |
Institute for Faith and Culture | Equips Christians to shape culture in business, government, education, arts, media, entertainment, and the social sector. | https://institutefc.org/ |
International Theological Education Ministries – I.T.E.M. | Missions – Reformed teaching for pastors in India, Ukraine, Romaina, Indonesia, Kenya | https://www.item.org/ |
Lampstand | A teaching, coaching, and mentoring ministry that equips and encourages church leaders as they pursue church vitality. | https://briarwood.org/ |
Life on Life Ministries | Life-on-Life missional discipleship for churches | https://lifeonlife.org/ |
Lifeline Children’s Services | Ministry for adoption and foster care that equips the Body of Christ to manifest the gospel to vulnerable children. | https://lifelinechild.org/ |
Maker Institute of Studio Art + Theology, The | Institute that offers a three year art + theology program. | https://themakerinstitute.org |
Miami International Seminary (MINTS) | Seminary that leads the world for Christ by preparing Christian leaders for ministry in their countries. | https://www.mints.edu/ |
Mid-America Reformed Seminary | Seminary that provides an educational experience that gives tools for a lifetime of ministry. | https://www.midamerica.edu/ |
Ministry to the Military and Internationals | Presbyterian and Reformed worldwide ministry for the military and their families | https://ministrytothemilitaryinternational.com/ |
Mission to North America | North American ministry – Committee of the PCA. MNA offers a suite of practical ministy resources to all PCA churches, presbyteries and networks in North America. | https://pcamna.org/ |
Mission to the Russian World (MTRW) | Spreading the Gospel to the Russian speaking world. | https://www.ireformed.org/ |
Mission to the World | MTW is the global missions-sending agency of the PCA. Committee of the PCA. | https://mtw.org/ |
MTW Occom Ministries | MTW Ministry that is training leaders and growing disciples in Native America. | https://occom.org/about/ |
MTW France | Various MTW ministries in France. | https://www.mtw.org/teams/europe/toulouse-france |
MTW Global Muslim Ministries | MTW Ministry for Muslims. | https://mtw.org/teams/Global/global-muslim-ministry |
MTW Japan | MTW Ministry in Japan. | https://www.mtwjapan.org/ |
MTW South Asia | MTW Ministry in South Asia. | EMAIL: nolls@swissmail.org |
New Growth Press | An online Christian and Gospel bookstore in Greensboro, NC. | https://newgrowthpress.com/ |
One Story Ministries | Bible curriculum for children, youth, and adults in order to assist in ongoing Christian discipleship. | https://www.onestoryministries.org/ |
P&R Publishing | Publishes books that promote biblical understanding and godly living as summarized in the Westminster Confession and Catechism. | https://www.prpbooks.com/ |
Parakaleo | Helps women in church planting to be trained, supported and valued. | https://parakaleo.us/ |
PCA Administrative Committee | Provides ecclesiastical and administrative functions – Committee of the PCA | https://www.pcaac.org/ |
PCA Bookstore | Bookstore of the PCA that provides bilbical and reformed books at discounted prices. | https://www.pcabookstore.com/ |
PCA Committee on Discipleship Ministries | Discipleship ministry – Committee of the PCA that equips churches with resources and training, encourages them with community, and inspires them with Biblical truth. | https://pcacdm.org/ |
PCA Foundation | Provides charitable financial services – Agency of the PCA that facilitates generosity to advance God’s Kingdom. Helps donors give a variety of assets to do this and alleviate their tax burden. | https://pcafoundation.com/ |
Presbyterian & Reformed Churches in Italy | Church planting in Italy | https://www.chiesariformata.org/ |
Presbyterian Theological College | A reformed, evangelical Bible college training men and women for ministry and mission in the Christian church in Australia and beyond. | https://ptc.edu.au/ |
Presbyterians Protecting Life | Pro-life ministry | https://www.ppl.org/ |
Pursuit Health and Wellness Coaching | Coaching for the whole person for improved health and wellness | https://www.thisispursuit.com/ |
Rafiki Foundation | Trains Africans to transform Africa for Christ. Through education, teacher training, bible study, and more. | https://www.rafikifoundation.org/ |
Redemption Seminary | A Seminary located in Chandler, AZ that helps people grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ | https://redemption.edu/ |
Reformation Heritage Books | A publisher that glorifies God and strengthens His church through the publication and distribution of Puritan and Reformed literature. | https://www.heritagebooks.org/ |
Reformation Hope | Dedicated to the recovery of Hope in Haiti through advancing the Gospel, ministering mercy to immediate physical needs, and equipping the people of Haiti to sustain themselves in the future. | https://reformationhope.org/ |
Reformation Sites | Church Websites for a Modern Reformation. Designed to help churches reach out more effectively. | https://reformationsites.com/ |
Reformed Forum | Provides Reformed Christian theological resources to pastors, scholars, and anyone who desires to grow in their understanding of Scripture and the theology that faithfully summarizes its teachings. | https://reformedforum.org/ |
Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary | A seminary in Point Breeze,PA that equips pastors and others for the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ, all within the framework of the historic Reformed faith. | https://www.rpts.edu/ |
Reformed Theological Seminary | A seminary that provides a Theological education to help faithfully proclaim God’s Word and care for His people. | https://rts.edu/ |
Reformed University Fellowship | College ministry – Committee of the PCA. RUF connects the big truths of the Bible with the big questions college students face. They reach students for Christ and equip them to serve. | https://ruf.org/ |
Restore St. Louis | A ministry in St. Louis that expresses the love of Christ by meeting needs of the community | EMAIL: andrew@ncfstl.org |
Ridge Haven Camp Conference & Retreat Center | A Christian Camp, Conference, and Retreat Center in the beautiful Western North Carolina Mountains of Brevard, NC and the Plains of Walker, IA. Agency of the PCA. | http://www.ridgehaven.org/ |
Rooted Ministry | Youth ministry that equips churches and parents to faithfully disciple students toward life-long faith in Jesus Christ. | https://rootedministry.com/ |
Samaritan’s Purse | Nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world | https://www.samaritanspurse.org/ |
SARM (Southern Africa Reformed Mission) | SARM facilitates reformed Presbyterian church planting in Southern Africa. | EMAIL: tgalage@gmail.com |
Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano | Seminary equipping indigenous servants in their native language to proclaim the doctrines of Grace in Latin America | https://srlseminary.org/ |
Senior Network, The | A non-profit organization focused towards enriching the lives of senior citizens from all backgrounds and walks of life. | https://www.theseniornetwork.org/ |
Serge Global, Inc. | International missions organization bringing together individuals and churches for mission and spiritual renewal. | https://serge.org/ |
SitterTree,LLC | Childcare Workers for churches | https://www.sittertree.com/ |
Sola Media | Home to Core Christianity, White Horse Inn, Modern Reformation, and Theo Global. | https://solamedia.org/ |
Teaching Missions International | Dedicated to providing, to those church leaders who cannot afford, whether for lack of time or money, sound Biblical Reformed theological training | https://teachmi.com/ |
Telios Law PLLC | Telios Law is a Colorado law firm that helps nonprofits, Christian ministries, churches, religious organizations, and businesses navigate the intricacies of employment law and investigations. | https://telioslaw.com/ |
Trail Life USA | Church-Based, Christ-Centered, Boy-Focused mentoring and discipleship. | https://www.traillifeusa.com/ |
Trinity Center for World Mission | A non-profit Christian missions organization based in the United States to create seminaries across Africa. | https://www.trinitycwm.com/ |
TruthXchange | A ministry that empowers churches to communicate the gospel effectively and lovingly. | https://truthxchange.com/ |
United States Air Force Chaplain Corps | U.S. Air Force chaplain recruiting | https://www.airforce.com/careers/specialty-careers/chaplain |
United States Navy Chaplain Recruiting | U.S. Navy chaplain recruiting | https://www.navy.com/careers/navy-chaplain |
Wellspring Group | A discipleship ministry that equips people to live from fulfilled and overflowing hearts, connected in healthy relationship with God, themselves, and others. | https://www.wellspringgroup.org/ |
Westminster Seminary California | A Reformed and Presbyterian Christian seminary in Escondido, California that provides a community of faith and study, of fellowship and prayer. | https://www.wscal.edu/ |
Westminster Theological Seminary (PA) | A Protestant theological seminary in the Reformed theological tradition in Glenside, Pennsylvania that trains Bible specialists to serve with faithfulness and endurance around the world. | https://www.wts.edu/ |
This list is in alphabetical order and our sponsors are highlighted according to their sponsorship level: Gold, Silver, or Bronze.
Get In Touch
PCA Administrative Committee
1700 North Brown Road
Suite 105
Lawrenceville, GA 30043