
Overture Guidelines and Deadlines, click here.



(To read an overture, click on the title below)

 1 Piedmont Triad CCB, OC Original Overture #1: Vacated by the Presbytery
Current Overture #1: Amend BCO 35-1 and 35-8 Regarding Witness Eligibility
2 Northern California CCB, OC Amend BCO 13-6 for Clarity in Transfers of Ordination
3 Pee Dee CCB, OC Grant Constitutional Status to BCO 53 re Preaching
4 Central Indiana CCB, OC Establish Study Committee for Judicial Rules Changes
5 Piedmont Triad MNA Adjust Piedmont Triad and Catawba Valley Presbytery Boundaries
6 Susquehanna Valley CCB, OC Amend BCO Sections to Require Background Checks for Church Office
7 Ascension CCB, OC, AC, CC, CDM, CTS, GEN, MNA, MTW, PCAF, RH, RUF Amend RAO 11-5 to Clarify Process for RAO Amendments
8 Covenant MNA Change Boundaries of Covenant and Mississippi Valley Presbyteries
9 Metro Atlanta CCB, OC Add Great Commission Requirement to BCO 12-5
10 Metro Atlanta CCB, OC Add Presbytery TE Care to BCO 13-9
11 Mississippi Valley MNA Change Boundaries of Mississippi Valley and Covenant Presbyteries
12 Catawba Valley MNA Adjust Catawba Valley and Piedmont Triad Presbytery Boundaries
13 Calvary OC Commend and Encourage Distribution of Commission Letter Regarding Gender Reassignment for Minors
14 Northwest Georgia CCB, OC, CC, CTS Amend RAO 4-21.d to Require Enrollment Data From Higher Ed Institutions
15 Session of West End Presbyterian Church CCB, OC Amend BCO 7-2 to Specify Ordination for Biological Males Only
16 Warrior CCB, OC Amend BCO 13-6, 21-4, 24-1 to Require Background Checks
17 Ohio CCB, OC Amend BCO 13-6, 21-4, and 24-1 to Require Background Checks for Church Office
18 Ohio CCB, OC Amend BCO 35-1 and 35-8 Regarding Witness Eligibility
19 Session of Fountain Square Presbyterian Church CCB, OC Amend BCO 41 to allow Venue Change in Judicial Cases
20 Session of Fountain Square Presbyterian Church CCB, OC Proposed Systematic Changes to BCO 31, 32, and 35
21 Central Indiana CCB, OC Change the Prohibition Against ‘Interlocutory Appeal’ by Complaint in BCO 43-1
22 South Florida CCB, OC Amend BCO 13-2 to clarify Teaching Elder Presbytery Membership
23 Missouri CCB, OC Amend BCO 13-6, 21-4, and 24-1 to Require Background Checks for Church Office
24 South Texas CCB, OC Amend BCO 13-6, 21-4, and 24-1 to Require Background Checks for Church Office
25 Tennessee Valley CCB, OC Amend BCO 31-2 to Expand Who May Assist in an Investigations
26 Tennessee Valley CCB, OC Amend BCO 32-19 To Expand Representation of Accused Persons Before Church Courts
27 Potomac CCB, OC Amend BCO 13-6 to Add Personal Character and Family Management to the Examination of Transferring Ministers
28 New Jersey CCB, OC Amend RAO 16-6.c.1. to Eliminate Conflict with BCO 40-5
29 Session of Bryce Avenue Presbyterian Church CCB, OC Amend BCO 53 by Addition to Ensure Only Men Preach
30 Lowcountry CCB, OC Amend BCO 23-1 To Require that the Presbytery of Jurisdiction Conduct an Exit Interview Prior to Dissolution of Call
31 New River CCB, OC, AC, CC, CDM, CTS, GEN, MNA, MTW, PCAF, RH, RUF Amend BCO 14-1 Regarding Changes in Permanent Committee and Agency Policy
32 Eastern Pennsylvania CCB, OC, AC, CC, CDM, CTS, GEN, MNA, MTW, PCAF, RH, RUF Amend BCO 23 to Address Dissolution of Call for those employed by a Committee or Agency
33 TE Benjamin Inman OC, AC Erect Ad Interim Committee on the Book Jesus Calling
34 Columbus Metro MNA Merge Columbus Metro and Ohio Valley Presbyteries
35 Ohio Valley MNA Merge Ohio Valley and Columbus Metro Presbyteries


*For the 2023 Overtures, click here.